
extensive range of services to guide you through user/customer experience

editorial and e-commerce websites, apps and other digital products design

we deliver comprehensive customer/user experience solutions from initial concept to final implementation using outsourced development teams or no-code tools, like shopify, glitch and webflow, ensuring a cohesive and customer/user-centered approach throughout the entire product lifecycle.


  • digitized companies
  • traditional organizations of all sizes

when you need this service

  • developing your first product
  • launching new digital initiatives
  • undergoing or wanting to start digital transformation
  • wanting to completely overhaul existing products

you will get

  • Full customer/user experience process from research to implementation
  • customer/User-centered design solutions tailored to your product
  • Iterative prototyping and testing
  • Handoff support and design system development


  • Launch user-friendly products faster
  • Ensure consistency in user experience across your product
  • Reduce post-launch fixes and updates
  • Achieve higher user satisfaction and adoption rates

e-commerce and/or editorial site redesign

comprehensive overhaul of your website to improve user experience, align with current design trends, and achieve your business goals.


  • e-commerce companies
  • organizations of all sizes

signs you need this service

  • outdated websites not meeting current user expectations
  • experiencing high bounce rates or low conversion rates
  • wanting to improve their brand image and credibility online
  • needing to make their site responsive for mobile users

you will get

  • In-depth analysis of your current site's performance and user behavior
  • User research to understand your audience's needs and preferences
  • Information architecture optimization
  • Visual design refresh aligned with your brand
  • Prototypes and user testing to validate design decisions
  • Accessibility improvements to meet WCAG standards
  • SEO considerations integrated into the new design
  • Detailed specifications and assets for development team


  • improve user engagement (industry average shows 20-30% increase after redesign)
  • Enhance conversion rates (potential for 10-50% improvement, varies by industry)
  • Reduce bounce rates (typically 20-40% reduction with improved UX)
  • Increase average time on site (often sees 15-25% boost with better content organization)
  • Improve brand perception and credibility
  • Ensure your site works seamlessly across all devices (over 50% of web traffic is mobile)
  • Make your site more accessible, potentially increasing your audience by up to 20%
  • Future-proof your site with a flexible, scalable design
  • Potentially improve search engine rankings with user-friendly, SEO-optimized design

audits and expert reviews

bespoke in-depth analysis of your digital products to identify usability issues, conversion bottlenecks, and improvement opportunities.


  • digitized companies
  • traditional organizations of all sizes

signs you need this service

  • experiencing high bounce rates or low conversion rates
  • receiving frequent user complaints about website/app usability
  • planning a redesign but unsure where to start
  • noticing a decline in user engagement or retention

you will get

  • detailed report highlighting critical usability issues
  • Prioritized list of recommendations for improvements
  • Benchmarking against industry standards
  • Actionable insights to enhance customer/user satisfaction and conversion rates


  • Identify top usability issues that may be costing you customers
  • Gain clear direction for impactful customer/user experience improvements
  • Understand how your product compares to competitors
  • Increase conversion rates (industry average improvement: 10-25% after customer/user experience upgrades)
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orange bolt

lightning audit

orange bolt

bespoke high-level analysis of your digital products to identify usability issues, conversion bottlenecks, and improvement opportunities.


  • digitized companies
  • traditional organizations of all sizes with at least one digital product

signs you need this service

  • not satisfied with your product performance
  • wants small changes with big impacts and easy implementation
  • don't want to spend too much time and resources to discover quick wins
  • want to have a taste of the studio's services

you will get

  • Quick report with a visual reference of the improvement points
  • 2-5 Actionable insights to enhance customer/user satisfaction and conversion rates


  • Identify top usability issues that may be costing you customers
  • Gain clear direction for impactful customer/user experience improvements
  • Increase conversion rates (industry average improvement: 10-25% after customer/user experience upgrades)
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    details about this service

    strategy consultancy

    expert guidance on customer experience strategy, design decisions, and implementation best practices tailored to your specific business needs.


    • digitized companies
    • traditional organizations of all sizes

    signs you need this service

    • looking to establish a strong UX foundation
    • aiming to align UX efforts across multiple products
    • struggling to prioritize UX initiatives
    • wanting to differentiate through superior user experience

    you will get

    • Customized customer/user experience strategy aligned with your business goals
    • Expert advice on design decisions and trade-offs
    • Implementation roadmap and best practices
    • Workshops to align stakeholders on customer/user experience vision


    • Align customer/user experience efforts with business objectives for maximum impact
    • Make informed design decisions backed by expert knowledge
    • Reduce risk of costly design missteps
    • Foster a customer/user-centered culture within your organization

    service design

    a holistic approach to designing and improving services that focuses on creating seamless, efficient, and satisfying experiences for both users and service providers


    • digitized companies
    • traditional organizations of all sizes

    signs you need this service

    • customers complain about inconsistent experiences across different touch points
    • struggling with high customer churn rates
    • employees report difficulties in delivering services efficiently
    • launching a new service and want to ensure it meets user needs
    • current services are not scaling well as your business grows
    • noticing a gap between your intended service experience and what customers actually receive
    • going through digital transformation and needs to redesign service delivery
    • want to reduce operational costs while improving service quality

    you will get

    • Personalized assessment of your current remote work practices
    • Customized workflow strategy aligned with your professional goals
    • Information architecture optimization
    • Design of your virtual workspace and communication systems
    • Time management and productivity techniques tailored for remote work
    • Client management and communication best practices
    • Personal branding and online presence optimization
    • Financial management and invoicing workflow
    • Self-care and work-life balance strategies for remote workers


    • Boost your productivity and efficiency in a remote setting
    • Improve client satisfaction through better communication and delivery
    • Enhance your work-life balance and prevent burnout
    • Increase your earning potential through optimized workflows
    • Expand your client base beyond geographical limitations
    • Ensure consistency in your work quality and output
    • Foster a professional image that attracts high-quality clients
    • Improve your financial stability with better business management

    customer/user research

    in-depth research to uncover insights about your target audience, their needs, behaviors, and pain points.


    • digitized companies
    • traditional organizations of all sizes

    signs you need this service

    • launching new products or entering new markets
    • high development costs but low user adoption
    • wanting to understand why users leave your app or site and choose competitors
    • receiving negative user feedback but unsure why

    you will get

    • Comprehensive profiles and journey maps
    • Detailed analysis of customer/user behaviors and preferences
    • Identification of key customer/user pain points and opportunities
    • Research-backed recommendations for product improvements


    • Develop products that truly resonate with your target customer/user
    • Reduce the risk of building features customer/user don't want (up to 45% of features are never used)
    • Increase customer/user adoption and retention rates
    • Discover new market opportunities based on customer/user needs

    tailor-made training

    customized customer/user experience training programs designed to elevate your team's skills and align with your organization's specific challenges and goals.


    • digitized companies
    • organizations of all sizes

    signs you need this service

    • looking to build in-house UX capabilities
    • with design teams transitioning to UX-focused approaches
    • wanting to instill a user-centered culture across departments
    • struggling with collaboration between UX and other teams

    you will get

    • Customized curriculum based on your team's needs
    • Hands-on workshops and real-world exercises
    • Ongoing support and resources for continued learning
    • Assessment of team's customer/user experience skills before and after training


    • Enhance your team's ability to create customer/user-centered products
    • Reduce dependency on external customer/user consultants
    • Improve cross-functional collaboration on customer/user experience projects
    • Increase employee satisfaction through professional development

    fractional leadership

    part-time customer/user experience leadership to guide your team, set strategy, and ensure customer/user experience best practices are implemented across your organization.


    • digitized companies
    • small/medium organizations

    signs you need this service

    • unable to afford a full-time UX leader
    • early stages of building a UX team
    • needing expert UX guidance during critical growth phases
    • wanting to elevate their UX maturity gradually

    you will get

    • Strategic customer/user experience guidance on a part-time basis
    • customer/user experience process optimization and best practices implementation
    • Mentoring for your in-house customer/user experience team
    • Regular customer/user experience reviews and improvement recommendations


    • Access expert customer/user experience leadership without the cost of a full-time hire
    • Improve customer/user experience maturity across your organization
    • Enhance team efficiency through improved customer/user experience processes
    • Ensure customer/user experience efforts consistently align with business strategy

    user experience mentorship

    one-on-one guidance for customer/user experience professionals or teams to accelerate their growth, tackle challenges, and advance their careers.


    • Companies with junior UX professionals
    • UX teams
    • Ux Professionals*

    * limited free mentorship seats for repositioning/career transition professionals that can't pay. reach out if you need a help. :)

    you need this service when you

    • seek growth
    • want to retain and develop UX talent
    • look to transition employees into UX roles
    • face complex challenges requiring expert guidance

    you will get

    • Personalized mentoring sessions
    • Guidance on real-world customer/user experience challenges
    • Career development advice and goal setting
    • Access to customer/user experience resources and network


    • Accelerate professional growth in customer/user experience
    • Gain confidence in tackling complex customer/user experience problems
    • Develop leadership skills for career advancement
    • Stay updated with latest customer/user experience trends and best practices

    remote working mentorship

    optimize your personal remote work processes and tools to enhance productivity, manage client relationships, and achieve a better work-life balance as an independent professional.


    • Freelancers
    • independent professionals
    • Remote workers

    you need this service when you

    • struggle with time management and productivity
    • want to improve client communication
    • experience burnout or work-life balance issues
    • look to scale their business and attract better clients

    you will get

    • Personalized assessment of your current remote work practices
    • Customized workflow strategy aligned with your professional goals
    • Information architecture optimization
    • Design of your virtual workspace and communication systems
    • Time management and productivity techniques tailored for remote work
    • Client management and communication best practices
    • Personal branding and online presence optimization
    • Financial management and invoicing workflow
    • Self-care and work-life balance strategies for remote workers


    • Boost your productivity and efficiency in a remote setting
    • Improve client satisfaction through better communication and delivery
    • Enhance your work-life balance and prevent burnout
    • Increase your earning potential through optimized workflows
    • Expand your client base beyond geographical limitations
    • Ensure consistency in your work quality and output
    • Foster a professional image that attracts high-quality clients
    • Improve your financial stability with better business management

    Ready to unlock your brand's full potential? Let's chat.

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